Vitamin E reminds us of a Hollywood actor who has been typecast in a particular type of role. No matter how great his talent, we tend to recognize him as the character that first made him famous. Likewise,
The scientists who discovered vitamin E in 1922 named it '1ocopherol,'' a Greek word meaning the ability to reproduce. Many of our products here have vitamin e as a key ingredient. Checkout out our power stuff
- and even helps cells to reproduce themselves correctly - this nutrient has many other talents that deserve recognition. The greatest of those talents is its antioxidant function. Along with vitamin C, beta carotene and certain enzyme systems, vitamin E is one of the superstars of the battle against free radicals. Beyond that, vitamin E also plays important roles in treating burns, maintaining a healthy heart, preventing cancer, and enhancing the immune system. Vitamin E also plays important roles in treating burns, maintaining a healthy heart, preventing cancer, and enhancing the immune system.
How Does Vitamin E Function in the Body?
Vitamin E's key jobs include the following: Antioxidant function. Much like vitamin C its water-soluble counterpart, vitamin E protects our cells from free radical damage. Its primary function is to guard the lipids of the cell membranes - such as polyunsaturated fatty acids - from the process of oxidation, which can damage the membranes.
Once this damage is done, nutrients can no longer pass through the membrane properly. Too many nutrients may cause the cell to grow irregularly, while too few nutrients may starve the cell and eventually kill it. The body cannot function properly, of course, if too many cells are damaged or destroyed. In short, the disease process may start. Blood and oxygen function.
Vitamin E ensures that the brain, heart and organs get the supply of oxygen they need. Jt helps the blood use oxygen more efficiently and assists the circulatory system by keeping blood vessels open, strengthening the capillary walls and enhancing the walls of red blood cells.
This all-purpose nutrient also serves as an antithrombotic agent; it can break up troublesome blood clots without altering the body's necessary clotting functions. Your body will have an adequate supply of blood platelets, which are needed for clotting, when vitamin E is on the scene. Immune function. Vitamin E may enhance several aspects of the immune response, including the production of 738 VitaminE antibodies and the activity of immune system cells that resist infections and tumor cells in the body.
What Specific Locations in the Body does Vitamin E Affect?
Since vitamin E protects the cell membranes and assists the blood, it is at work throughout the body. In Vitamin Intake and Health, authors S.K. Gaby and L.J. Machlin report that the largest pools of this nutrient are found in the testes, pituitary and adrenal glands, muscles, platelets and heart. 1 Vitamin E can help the skin - both inside and out - by healing scar tissue and bums. In the muscles, it can help to prevent or relieve cramps by transporting glucose to the affected site. Finally, this nutrient can help to protect the eyes from oxidative damage.
To be continued…